In 2007 our community increased and now consists of 20 companions including woman with three children. It happened thanks to the new building and improved living conditions. In 2007 47 different people lived in community if different time. 458 people received social consultations, 140 persons – psychological consultations, medical consultations – 65 persons, help with documents – 15 persons.
In 2007 50 homeless and long-term unemployed people learned and worked in the workshop. They gained skills on renovation old furniture, decoration and sewing. To improve the work we bought new tools and equipment.
In 2007 Oselya organized social enterprise. It was necessary for financial independence of Community and possibility to help other homeless. The workshop earned money by renovation furniture, house-holding stuff, second-hand cloth and selling it in the charitable shop. Besides, five persons cleaned 10 kilometers of the streets. One man works as electrician and communal service. Some money earned by truck service for citizens.
In 2007 we continued to distribute hot food to poor and homeless in downtown. This year food was cooked by companions as well as all the money for this project was earned by them. In 2007 we made 52 distributions with 5 200 portions. For Christmas and Easter we organized holiday dinners and invited 200 homeless and poor people. Together we sang songs and carols like in a real family.
In 2007 together with USIF and “NOT” we finished building works at community house and provided it with necessary equipment. With the help of Emmaus we made a well, water and gas system. With the help of Henri Nouwen foundation we renovated small premises that we rent to open Kofoed’s social support center there.
Community of Lviv city was interested in the life and activity of Oselya. And Oselya was the most active NGO working with homeless. It improved cooperation with municipality, other NGOs, business structures etc. In 2007 Oselya became member of Coordination council on homelessness issue at municipality. Organization received an award “Halytsky lytsar”. We also involved some private donors. Four projects in 2007 were financed by Lviv municipality. We had many guests from other organizations from other cities and abroad.
For the six years Oselya cooperates with International Emmaus movement. The very important support was from Emmaus Lublin, Cambridge, Emmaus Association (France) and Emmaus Europe. They supported community and financed some building works. This year we applied for the trial membership at Emmaus movement and were accepted on the regional level.
The cooperation with Kofoed’s school was also very important. Some workers visited this organization to get new experience. In December we organized conference “The role of education in social integration of socially vulnerable people (homeless and long-term unemployed)” with the participants from Denmark, Poland, Russia and different Ukrainian cities who exchanged experience and discussed necessity of education of homeless people in Lviv. Oselya also participated in Ukrainian-Dutch project “Logo-EAST” on exchanging experience between Lviv, Warsaw, Hague and thanks to it one of our workers participated in training courses in Monar in Warsaw.
INCOMES IN 2007: 596 681 UAH
Sheptytsky hospital, NGO “Vynnyky gold youth”, Cultural centre “Dozvillya”, Prosvita, NGO “Narodna dopomoha – Lviv ”, Municipal social policy department, Municipal center for youth and families.
NOT enterprise, Komfort invest, Vynnychanka enterprise, Drukservice enterprise, Fortuna service enterprise, Halbud enterprise, Ekolan, Lviv bread factory, Saint Volodymyr i Olha church, All Ukrainian saints church, Teodor Hudziak.