In 2012, NGO “Community of mutual aid “Oselya” has started a new project – Workshop of good deeds “Emmaus-Oselya”. This is another place where people can engage in good deeds, be solidar with the poorest and share their things that they no longer need and purchase items donated by other people. The workshop is also a place where we can work together on new ideas of good deeds and their implementation.
The workshop operates at the social hostel on the Uhorska str, 2. This is a hostel for homeless people and orphans. The premises belong the Lviv City Council and are rented by “Oselya”. The income of the Workshop of good deeds is used for the needs of the social hostel.
The opening of the Workshop took place on September 12, 2012. There was an event called “New Life to Favorite Books” organized and conducted by Ukrainian writers and friends of Oselya – Yuriy Izdryk, Andriy Kurkov, Halyna Vdovychenko, Dara Korniy and others to encourage people to read old favorite books and to exchange books and other items.