Annual report 2008

In 2008 35 companions lived in the community. 105 people had consultations with social worker, and 85 persons with psychologist. 40 people got first medical aid and we helped 8 people with their documents. In 2008 55 homeless and long-term unemployed people worked and got new skills in the workshop. They got new skills on renovation furniture and decoration.

The main task of community is to earn for living on their own. The income of the charity shop and workshop is the main financial resource. We collect furniture, household items, cloth from citizens, repair it if needed and sell in the shop. We also clean the streets, provide truck service etc.

Once a week we distribute hot meals in the downtown for almost 100 people. For the few months in 2008 that action was financed by Municipality. In 2008 we had 53 distribution and 5 300 portions. Every year we organize Easter and Christmas and Easter celebrations and invite almost 300 people to be together with companions on these days.

Kofoed’s social support center was open in February 2008 supported by Kofoed’s school, Lviv municipality, and Charitable foundation “Pivdenny”. Homeless people can take shower here, do laundry, eat, get clean cloth, haircut, first medical aid, talk to social worker. Here they are involved to the street magazine selling and also are informed about possibility to join the community.

In May 2008 we presented the first issue of street magazine “Prosto neba”. The aim of this project is to involve homeless people to active social life, to create conditions for their employment and to attract attention to the problem of homelessness in the society. Many famous journalists and writers are involved in this project. The price of the magazine is 4 UAH and vendor get half of that. In 2008 we published 8 000 copies of 3 issues.

In 2008 Oselya traditionally was one of the most active organizations working with homeless. We are members of Coordination Council on homelessness issue in Lviv city and Lviv region. Two Oselya projects were financed by Municipality. Private donators and Charitable Foundation “Pivdenny” supported solidarity actions. Oselya was a field for practice for different university students. We participated in all social events organized by Municipality – different conferences, forums, seminars etc. And many guests visited community in Vynnyky.

For the last couple years we cooperate with Emmaus International movement. In 2008 we had great support from Emmaus Lublin, Novy Sonch, Zheshuv, Emmaus Association and Emmaus Europe. They financed workers’ salaries, running the Community, building works and Social support centre in the end of the year. Kofoed’s school from Denmark helped to open Social support center in Lviv and financed it during the year. “Helping hands” from Netherlands presented big tent for solidarity actions. Oselya was co-founder of international council on homelessness Human for humantogether with St. Albert Association (Poland) “New social solutions” (Russia).




Sheptytsky hospital,   NGOVynnyky golden youth”,   Cultural centreDozvillia”, Association “Prosvita”, NGO “Narodna dopomoha – Lviv”, Social policy department of Lviv municipality, Registration center for homeless people, Municipal center for family and youth, Regional center of social adaptation, Malta support service, “Doroha” center


Charitable Fund “Pivdenny”, Komfort Invest”, TzOV “Vynnychanka”, TzOV “Setvik”, TzOVDrukservice”, TzOVFortuna service”, TzOV “Halbud”, Concern “Еcolan”, St. Volodymyr and Olha church.