The main activity of “Oselya” is the organization of life in the community which is the resocialization center for the homeless people. The community consists of people who live and work together, share common household, learn to solve their problems, and properly use the money they earn together.
Life in the community is aimed at helping homeless people learn to be responsible for their lives, to collaborate with others, to learn to take care of themselves and others. In the community people learn to be patient and tolerant. The community helps people to understand and accept such basic concepts of living in the society that other people usually learn from their parents. Life in the community is very much family like. The most important thing for homeless people is to feel they are trusted and respected. That way they can gain a positive experience and become an active and responsible participants of the resocialization process. Many of those who seek help have experienced that their own initiatives and decisions never lead to something good, but rather to failures. Therefore, it is very important to give them a chance to get another life experience.
The community was founded on June 12, 2003. On this day, the first companion settled in the community house. Soon after that there were three companions, and then seven. Now the community house has increased and can accommodate up to 25 people at a time. Companions are people of all ages – from 20 to 60 years old. Some of them are disabled and that allows other companions to take care of them, and disabled themselves feel loved and needed. Orphans who have no parents could find them in senior companions, and older people can take care of the younger ones. Sharing work, leisure, meals, participating in training and group sessions bring people together, give them a sense of support and stability.
At community meetings that are held every week we summaries our work, make plans and solve the conflicts. Everyone expresses him or herself freely, no opinion or proposal is rejected, but is debated and accepted or not accepted reasonably. Common decision-making creates a sense of belonging of people and develops communication skills that people will need one day when they leave community and start the life on their own.
Each companion contributes to the community welfare by doing some work. New companions have social training course. Individual psychological counseling and group therapy are very important as well as addiction therapy because most homeless people have alcohol addiction. At the therapy they start to realize their addiction and its terrible consequences, they gain skills and abilities to maintain a sober lifestyle. Companions who are in the community longer than others take on greater responsibility. They are encouraged to organize some activities. The term of stay in the community is not limited. A person can leave the community when he or she is ready to do so, or he or she can stay in the community, take on more responsibilities, devote his or her life to helping others.