Street work

Solidarity with the poorest is one of the values of the Community “Emmaus – Oselya”. We help and share with those in a more difficult situation. One of the recommendations of the Emmaus Movement is: “Before taking care of yourself, take care of those who are less happy than you. Serve those who are the most desperate “. Former homeless people who now live and work in Oselya help those people who live on the streets and motivate them to change. The community takes responsibility for others – those who have lost hope.

The participation of the companions in the charity events for the poor and the homeless is very important for their re-socialization. They have been homeless themselves, and now helping the poorest give them a sense of responsibility for others. They learn to be active citizens of the society. 

Since 2003 once a week the companions cook meal for about one hundred homeless people and distribute it in downtown of Lviv, where people are waiting for them, not only to eat, but to chat. Companions are a good example for the homeless that something can change in their lives . Many of the present and former companions met us at the food distribution first. Homeless people are informed about their rights and social agencies. 

During extreme cold weather, companions carry out additional street work. They do social patrolling of the city. They take tea, instant soup, sandwiches, warm clothes and bring that to homeless people  to help them survive this difficult period.